It was rather cool this morning, I guess we are in a cooling trend after the Santa Anas of last week. I wore the yellow jacket, but I did not turn on the Big Headlight & Strobe. I probably should have had the strobe on. I DID put the strobe on going home. It was cool and overcast then, too.
Did I mention what I had for lunch?
So Steve the L. at work drops by to relate his tale of adventure Sunday. He biking down the SAME STREET that I did that day, apparently a little later than I. He saw some bicycles for sale, chained to a pole. He saw the word "Merckx". As in Eddie. He talks to the lady selling the bikes. The bike is dirty, spiderwebby, and the wheels are shot. She wants 25 bucks. He goes and gets transportation, gives her 25 bucks. Now he has a almost (the wheels) full Campy Eddie Merckx to restore. For 25 bucks.
How come I didn't see it?
Oh well, I don't have 25 bucks anyway!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Foggy Sunday
So the the trip was to Alpine, via Dehesa Road, again. I took one water bottle and two Albertson's Peanut Butter And Granola Bars to fortify myself. I covered myself with sunscreen, let it dry a bit, went outside and it was cool, so I put on yellow jacket.
It was cool and sort of foggy this Sunday morning, nearly all the way through El Cajon.
The view from near Grossmont High School of Mt. Helix was stunning.

(click on the image to, blah blah This one IS better in the large view, though!)
On Dehesa near the school a guy passed me. I decided to crank it up to 18 mph and managed to stay in touch with him (if by "in touch" one means a hundred yards...)
I took the jacket off at the base of the main climb on Dehesa, but I was already rather sweaty so I fear a lot of the sunscreen is protecting the inside of the jacket.
I got passed by a group of guys, followed by several straglers. One said "Hi", I said "How's it going", he said "Terrible", I said "You're doing better than me", he said It's all relative", I said "If I didn't have the granny gear I'd be walking!" And then he was gone.
The guy after him had a nifty rising sun jersey. I should take pictures of all the people that pass me, but maybe the camera can't hold that many pictures!
A little burbling (I looked up the spelling!) creek near the top of climb.

I turned up Tavern, wanted to take a picture of the Rebel flag, but no wind. Maybe next time!
I did see the Bicycle Repair sign near Joan MacQueen Middle School.

The middle school has an array of solar cells across the street, coolness! With a webpage showing the generating statistics!
I rode UP the Alpine Blvd. hill, all the way, then came back down. I tried to find the Alpine Dinosaur, stopping several times. I REALLY wanted a picture, but no joy.
Coming down Alpine Blvd. I encountered a headwind that bedeviled me all the way to El Cajon!
A couple of kids on Olde Highway 80 wanted to high five me, but I was going about 25 mph so I declined.
A couple of kids on bicycles yelled out "I like your bike" and "Me too" as I went by. I've heard that before, it's nice but strange.
A couple of TEENS on bikes were riding the wrong way in the bike lane on Greenfield Dr., and one was do a wheelie for quite a distance. I tried to act suitibly impressed as he nearly hit me in passing.
Finally I made it home, tired but no wiser.
Did I mention the annoying squeak? No? Well, maybe next time.
Trip Mileage:
43.65 miles in 3 hours 32 minutes.
Weekly Mileage:
James -- 53.57
Schwinn -- 43.64
It was cool and sort of foggy this Sunday morning, nearly all the way through El Cajon.
The view from near Grossmont High School of Mt. Helix was stunning.

(click on the image to, blah blah This one IS better in the large view, though!)
On Dehesa near the school a guy passed me. I decided to crank it up to 18 mph and managed to stay in touch with him (if by "in touch" one means a hundred yards...)
I took the jacket off at the base of the main climb on Dehesa, but I was already rather sweaty so I fear a lot of the sunscreen is protecting the inside of the jacket.
I got passed by a group of guys, followed by several straglers. One said "Hi", I said "How's it going", he said "Terrible", I said "You're doing better than me", he said It's all relative", I said "If I didn't have the granny gear I'd be walking!" And then he was gone.
The guy after him had a nifty rising sun jersey. I should take pictures of all the people that pass me, but maybe the camera can't hold that many pictures!
A little burbling (I looked up the spelling!) creek near the top of climb.

I turned up Tavern, wanted to take a picture of the Rebel flag, but no wind. Maybe next time!
I did see the Bicycle Repair sign near Joan MacQueen Middle School.

The middle school has an array of solar cells across the street, coolness! With a webpage showing the generating statistics!
I rode UP the Alpine Blvd. hill, all the way, then came back down. I tried to find the Alpine Dinosaur, stopping several times. I REALLY wanted a picture, but no joy.
Coming down Alpine Blvd. I encountered a headwind that bedeviled me all the way to El Cajon!
A couple of kids on Olde Highway 80 wanted to high five me, but I was going about 25 mph so I declined.
A couple of kids on bicycles yelled out "I like your bike" and "Me too" as I went by. I've heard that before, it's nice but strange.
A couple of TEENS on bikes were riding the wrong way in the bike lane on Greenfield Dr., and one was do a wheelie for quite a distance. I tried to act suitibly impressed as he nearly hit me in passing.
Finally I made it home, tired but no wiser.
Did I mention the annoying squeak? No? Well, maybe next time.
Trip Mileage:
43.65 miles in 3 hours 32 minutes.
Weekly Mileage:
James -- 53.57
Schwinn -- 43.64
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Smokey The Thursday
Big fires in the north, and it's getting smokey down here!
Hey, Hadas, if you're reading this, did you get a new ISP??
I've got 41 miles on the bike-o-meter so far this week, and I didn't even ride yesterday because of the funeral I went to!
Got the air hose adapter working what for pumping the tires up on the A.V. cart at work.

(You can clunk on the image to see the larger version at my flickr site.)

(You can clink on the image to see the larger version at my flickr site.)
It works really good for pumping up those tires! I don't know who's silly idea it was to order those (mine...), but they have been a bane on my existence for the last 20 years or so!
bane on
Hey, Hadas, if you're reading this, did you get a new ISP??
I've got 41 miles on the bike-o-meter so far this week, and I didn't even ride yesterday because of the funeral I went to!
Got the air hose adapter working what for pumping the tires up on the A.V. cart at work.

(You can clunk on the image to see the larger version at my flickr site.)

(You can clink on the image to see the larger version at my flickr site.)
It works really good for pumping up those tires! I don't know who's silly idea it was to order those (mine...), but they have been a bane on my existence for the last 20 years or so!
bane on
Monday, October 23, 2006
Got up early, ate the flakes, got on the bike and did 9.8 miles before work.
Did 6.2 after work.
I rock!
Did 6.2 after work.
I rock!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
A Voyage Of Discovery
Saturday I went to Zumwalts and got an Incredibell for the Jamis. A picture has been requested, here it is:

Next I went to Performance to use some points to get some Triflow. Of course the cash register data links were down, so I took pity on the guy and paid cash. While I was waiting a guy came in with a wheel in hand. He had a confused look, and told a long story about how he had gone riding and the tire "just went flat". He asked the mechanic what would cause that. Of course the mechanic said many things could have. I'm thinking, if you don't carry tools and a pump, don't ride father than you're willing to walk. I kept my mouth shut.
I've been looking for some small worm-drive hose clamps, I've been to Kragen, Auto Zone, Pep Boys, and World Wide. I drove out to FiberTech in Santee and FINALLY found some. Now I can finish the hose adapter for those wheels on the AV cart at work.
I got up a little late this Sunday morning, about 7 or so. I ate the rice'n wheat flakes, then I greased up with sun block and hit the road.
Two miles down (up?) the Parkway I realized, crud, no pump!

I decided not to head back and get it as that would require a MAJOR attitude adjustment. I just could not get my head around going back. So I decided to just bike around the neighborhood, not going farther than I would care to walk. Which is about 3 miles, for the record!
In my wanderings I FINALLY figured out the shortcut from Katherine St. to sneak over towards Grossmont Center. I've seen in on printed maps and Google Maps, plain as day, but it eluded me when I've been in the area. Well, here is it --
(Remember you can click the image and wander around Flickr to see a larger one)

The purpley shows the route I took, and shows how the shortcut can help one avoid the dangerous intersection at Navajo and the freeway if one is going to Grossmont College.
And here is the "bird's eye view" from Live Local showing the gates that block the road to vehiclular traffic.

The white lines show the locked gates, the red line shows the pedestrian/bike passageway.
So that was very cool, finally figuring that out!
So, I made my way over to the Grossmont College Bike Path (Does it have another name?) . Took this picture of the bike path and the notorius water tank.

A San Diego Reader article about the tank -- Public Art's Hurly-Burly, By Ken Kuhlken
I continued to noodle around San Carlos, and eventually headed home. I put 15.81 miles on the bike-o-meter today, and that is my total mileage for the entire week!

Next I went to Performance to use some points to get some Triflow. Of course the cash register data links were down, so I took pity on the guy and paid cash. While I was waiting a guy came in with a wheel in hand. He had a confused look, and told a long story about how he had gone riding and the tire "just went flat". He asked the mechanic what would cause that. Of course the mechanic said many things could have. I'm thinking, if you don't carry tools and a pump, don't ride father than you're willing to walk. I kept my mouth shut.
I've been looking for some small worm-drive hose clamps, I've been to Kragen, Auto Zone, Pep Boys, and World Wide. I drove out to FiberTech in Santee and FINALLY found some. Now I can finish the hose adapter for those wheels on the AV cart at work.
I got up a little late this Sunday morning, about 7 or so. I ate the rice'n wheat flakes, then I greased up with sun block and hit the road.
Two miles down (up?) the Parkway I realized, crud, no pump!

I decided not to head back and get it as that would require a MAJOR attitude adjustment. I just could not get my head around going back. So I decided to just bike around the neighborhood, not going farther than I would care to walk. Which is about 3 miles, for the record!
In my wanderings I FINALLY figured out the shortcut from Katherine St. to sneak over towards Grossmont Center. I've seen in on printed maps and Google Maps, plain as day, but it eluded me when I've been in the area. Well, here is it --
(Remember you can click the image and wander around Flickr to see a larger one)

The purpley shows the route I took, and shows how the shortcut can help one avoid the dangerous intersection at Navajo and the freeway if one is going to Grossmont College.
And here is the "bird's eye view" from Live Local showing the gates that block the road to vehiclular traffic.

The white lines show the locked gates, the red line shows the pedestrian/bike passageway.
So that was very cool, finally figuring that out!
So, I made my way over to the Grossmont College Bike Path (Does it have another name?) . Took this picture of the bike path and the notorius water tank.

A San Diego Reader article about the tank -- Public Art's Hurly-Burly, By Ken Kuhlken
I continued to noodle around San Carlos, and eventually headed home. I put 15.81 miles on the bike-o-meter today, and that is my total mileage for the entire week!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The Week That Isn't
I haven't ridden since last Thrusday (Yes, that's how I spell it, darn it! Leave me alone!) for various reasons. It's nice driving the car, what with a heater, the stereo, and a soft seat for my butt.
Since I'm not riding, here's a couple of bicycle-related pictures:
S.M.'s trusty Volvo:

A Yokota sitting in a pretty spot:

No, it's not mine, in fact I've never heard of the brand before. But what's that, up till last week I thought Masi bicycles were built in Italy!
Since I'm not riding, here's a couple of bicycle-related pictures:
S.M.'s trusty Volvo:

A Yokota sitting in a pretty spot:

No, it's not mine, in fact I've never heard of the brand before. But what's that, up till last week I thought Masi bicycles were built in Italy!
Friday, October 13, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Blast In The Face
Took out the garbage, hopped on the bike, and rode to work in the dark.
Going past Costco I was HIT IN THE FACE by a blast of fruity sugary smell! They're baking again! What a wonderful thing, the smell of baking. There used to be a bakery on University twenty years ago when I first started riding and it was such a treat to inhale the aroma of baking bread in the cool morning.
Pine trees, too! I love the smell of pine trees. I smelled a pine on the ride Sunday. There are way too many oaks in this area, I don't care for them much, although the acorns are fun to play with. Pines tree. Ummmm! My grandpa had pines in his yard. He had a goldfish pond, too. And plaster ducks on the lawn. And a speckled hunting dog. And bees!
Going past Costco I was HIT IN THE FACE by a blast of fruity sugary smell! They're baking again! What a wonderful thing, the smell of baking. There used to be a bakery on University twenty years ago when I first started riding and it was such a treat to inhale the aroma of baking bread in the cool morning.
Pine trees, too! I love the smell of pine trees. I smelled a pine on the ride Sunday. There are way too many oaks in this area, I don't care for them much, although the acorns are fun to play with. Pines tree. Ummmm! My grandpa had pines in his yard. He had a goldfish pond, too. And plaster ducks on the lawn. And a speckled hunting dog. And bees!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Sunday Morning Ride
Headed East this morning, out Dehesa Road to, well, Dehesa Road. I JUST NOW realized the whole thing is Dehesa Road. I thought it was Harbison Canyon Road up TO the Dehesa Road turnoff. Well! (Changed "Harbinson" to "Harbison" 4/2007)
At said turnoff a guy and his girl were stranded, out of gas. He asked me to stop in at the Casino up the road a piece and ask the Tribal Police to come give him some gas. I was dubious, but I said I would do it. Well, I got to the top of the hill and found I had to go all the way DOWN again to get to the casino and said tribal police. When I finally found one he wasn't particularly interested. He was MUCH MORE interested in me turning around and leaving his little guard shack! I finally conveyed my message, he said you have done your duty, or something like that, so I humped it back up the hill. Two guys on motocycle and full leathers were parked in the turn lane, talking. I should have taken a picture.
I headed up Dehesa Road hill. I passed two bicyclists who were taking off their jackets (which I should have done!) in preparation for the hill, and waiting for their group, I think. I yelled out, "Thanks for waiting for me guys, but it wasn't necessary!". They laughed and laughed.
I headed up the hill. Eventually a group of mostly women passed me, then a large group of mostly guys passed me.
When I got to the top I took this picture.

(Remember you can click on the image, blah blah blah)
I took this one looking up Tavern Road, just after a pack of bicyclists passed.

Saw an American flag and a Rebel flag on the same pole, on Tavern Road. Should have taken a picture of THAT!
Couldn't find any easy water in Alpine, the drinking fountain at the park on Alpine Blvd. is broken.
Headed DOWN the hill, then UP the hill. Stopped halfway to do --

(Did I mention you can click on the image?)
then I turned around and shot --

It was fairly pleasant heading back to El Cajon, even though it was getting sunny. It wasn't TOO sunny, and it wasn't TOO warm. Got some water at Albert Van Zanten park. Couldn't find a potty, and you may know, when I need a potty, I need it RIGHT NOW.

But it turned out it wasn't one of those times, thank goodness!
I made it home safe and sound!
Trip Mileage:
42.16 miles (67.88 km) in 3 hours, 29 minutes, for an average of 12.1 mph (19.49 kph)
I wanted to share the lame "repair" I made to the lighting system connector I've been complaining about --

The green wire is jammed in there. Does the job, though!
After the ride I warshed the clothes, and checked on the tomato. Looks like something ate at it!

Weekly Mileage:
Schwinn -- 42.16
Jamis -- 55.86
At said turnoff a guy and his girl were stranded, out of gas. He asked me to stop in at the Casino up the road a piece and ask the Tribal Police to come give him some gas. I was dubious, but I said I would do it. Well, I got to the top of the hill and found I had to go all the way DOWN again to get to the casino and said tribal police. When I finally found one he wasn't particularly interested. He was MUCH MORE interested in me turning around and leaving his little guard shack! I finally conveyed my message, he said you have done your duty, or something like that, so I humped it back up the hill. Two guys on motocycle and full leathers were parked in the turn lane, talking. I should have taken a picture.
I headed up Dehesa Road hill. I passed two bicyclists who were taking off their jackets (which I should have done!) in preparation for the hill, and waiting for their group, I think. I yelled out, "Thanks for waiting for me guys, but it wasn't necessary!". They laughed and laughed.
I headed up the hill. Eventually a group of mostly women passed me, then a large group of mostly guys passed me.
When I got to the top I took this picture.

(Remember you can click on the image, blah blah blah)
I took this one looking up Tavern Road, just after a pack of bicyclists passed.

Saw an American flag and a Rebel flag on the same pole, on Tavern Road. Should have taken a picture of THAT!
Couldn't find any easy water in Alpine, the drinking fountain at the park on Alpine Blvd. is broken.
Headed DOWN the hill, then UP the hill. Stopped halfway to do --

(Did I mention you can click on the image?)
then I turned around and shot --

It was fairly pleasant heading back to El Cajon, even though it was getting sunny. It wasn't TOO sunny, and it wasn't TOO warm. Got some water at Albert Van Zanten park. Couldn't find a potty, and you may know, when I need a potty, I need it RIGHT NOW.

But it turned out it wasn't one of those times, thank goodness!
I made it home safe and sound!
Trip Mileage:
42.16 miles (67.88 km) in 3 hours, 29 minutes, for an average of 12.1 mph (19.49 kph)
I wanted to share the lame "repair" I made to the lighting system connector I've been complaining about --

The green wire is jammed in there. Does the job, though!
After the ride I warshed the clothes, and checked on the tomato. Looks like something ate at it!

Weekly Mileage:
Schwinn -- 42.16
Jamis -- 55.86
Friday, October 06, 2006
A Very Pleasant Friday
So what-with and all that, I got 55.86 miles on the the Jamis this week commuting.
A bit cooler this morning, so I put on the glove liners and wore the YELLOW jacket. Actually was quite pleasant today. Can't complain. What the opposite of complaining?
I've realized that the 15 watt healight works "OK" when there are no street lights, but it really doesn't do a whole lot to light up stuff like glass and holes in the road. It's fine for lighting up cars, boxes, and dog walkers. I'm not totally sure if it is the wattage or the aiming, though. Would two lamps equal twice as much light?
Check out 'Snot a problem at San Diego Fixed. At least I've never done that! I'm impresses he commutes Imperial everyday on a bike, I was nervous driving it! So what does that make me? Don't answer, I already know.
Large Fella On A Bike keeps having run-ins with muppets, too.
I read that using the term "muppets" for somebody who has made a stupid move comes from having to tone down one's language in family situations.
A bit cooler this morning, so I put on the glove liners and wore the YELLOW jacket. Actually was quite pleasant today. Can't complain. What the opposite of complaining?
I've realized that the 15 watt healight works "OK" when there are no street lights, but it really doesn't do a whole lot to light up stuff like glass and holes in the road. It's fine for lighting up cars, boxes, and dog walkers. I'm not totally sure if it is the wattage or the aiming, though. Would two lamps equal twice as much light?
Check out 'Snot a problem at San Diego Fixed. At least I've never done that! I'm impresses he commutes Imperial everyday on a bike, I was nervous driving it! So what does that make me? Don't answer, I already know.
Large Fella On A Bike keeps having run-ins with muppets, too.
I read that using the term "muppets" for somebody who has made a stupid move comes from having to tone down one's language in family situations.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Dark Thursday
Woke by racous radio from the kitchen at 4:00 A.M.. Gave up trying to go back to sleep, so got up at 4:30, ate the flakes, sponged off, put on FRESH lycra, and hit the road.
Had the BIG LIGHT and STROBE and the LEDs going, front and rear.
I stopped at Someplace and Navajo to adjust the battery box straps. I turned off the BIG LIGHT and STROBE. A dog walking lady passed me. I turned on the BIG LIGHT and STROBE, and remember the LED blinkers were always on, front and back. So the road is completely dark, no street lights in this part. I'm coming up behind the lady and her dog, who are on the sidewalk. I'm TOTALLY lighting her up with the BIG LIGHT. She steps OFF THE SIDEWALK, like 20 feet in front of me. I go, like, "Hello?". She apologizes, there's a runner coming down the sidewalk she was giving way to. I said, "Well, I guess I need more lights!".
I got to work at 6:30ish, and have totally made up the deficit from not riding Tuesday. And then some!
Had the BIG LIGHT and STROBE and the LEDs going, front and rear.
I stopped at Someplace and Navajo to adjust the battery box straps. I turned off the BIG LIGHT and STROBE. A dog walking lady passed me. I turned on the BIG LIGHT and STROBE, and remember the LED blinkers were always on, front and back. So the road is completely dark, no street lights in this part. I'm coming up behind the lady and her dog, who are on the sidewalk. I'm TOTALLY lighting her up with the BIG LIGHT. She steps OFF THE SIDEWALK, like 20 feet in front of me. I go, like, "Hello?". She apologizes, there's a runner coming down the sidewalk she was giving way to. I said, "Well, I guess I need more lights!".
I got to work at 6:30ish, and have totally made up the deficit from not riding Tuesday. And then some!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Rode the bike without the BIG LIGHT this morning. I was too lazy to fasten the battery case on. No one seem to notice.
Some kid threw those popping things at me, actually WAITED for me to get close, then threw them. I gave him a piece or two of my mind, which I was quickly losing. He said I should calm down. He was probably correct in that! So, yet ANOTHER street I can never go down again!
The rumour on the street is that Steve L. is going to shave his legs next season and start racing again. We are all waiting with bated breath, and I PROMISE there will be before-n-after pictures!
The bike feels so much lighter without that battery, did I mention that?
LATER: I forgot to put this in earlier --

On El Cajon Blvd. I was tootling along this afternoon, see the GREEN line. On the RED spot a pedestrian was standing, she was waving to the #1 CAR to proceed on their left turn. She couldn't see me, she had her back towards. So I though it was funny to vigorously wave the car BACK, with an expression of great concern on my face. The guy in the #1 CAR gave me a big grin and a wave. Sweet!
I see on the blogs I'm reading that a number of bicyclist are having run ins (is that one word or two, it looks wrong both ways) of various sorts with motorists. It's rather depressing.
Some kid threw those popping things at me, actually WAITED for me to get close, then threw them. I gave him a piece or two of my mind, which I was quickly losing. He said I should calm down. He was probably correct in that! So, yet ANOTHER street I can never go down again!
The rumour on the street is that Steve L. is going to shave his legs next season and start racing again. We are all waiting with bated breath, and I PROMISE there will be before-n-after pictures!
The bike feels so much lighter without that battery, did I mention that?
LATER: I forgot to put this in earlier --

On El Cajon Blvd. I was tootling along this afternoon, see the GREEN line. On the RED spot a pedestrian was standing, she was waving to the #1 CAR to proceed on their left turn. She couldn't see me, she had her back towards. So I though it was funny to vigorously wave the car BACK, with an expression of great concern on my face. The guy in the #1 CAR gave me a big grin and a wave. Sweet!
I see on the blogs I'm reading that a number of bicyclist are having run ins (is that one word or two, it looks wrong both ways) of various sorts with motorists. It's rather depressing.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Felt fairly cruddy this morning, but I rode the bike anyway. But only 3.6 miles. Going home things were looking up, I found all this stuff on the side of the road!

Better than money, something I can use! These puppies go for $5.00 bucks a piece on eBay!
You may or may not want to pop over to the Bike Thoughts Page on my Bicycle web site to see some thoughts on stuff I've over the yars.
Just after I loaded all these goodies in the pannier a guy in full kit caught me at a red light. He asked if I commuted, I said yes, he said the was great, he wished he could. I demurely said I don't go that far, we wished each other well, and the light turned green. Cool!
I managed to get my ten on the odometer for today. Tomorrow is grocery day, so I get to drive! And a clean vehicle at that, as M. and I gave it its first bath last Saturday!
The blogs I read seem to always be "stealing" things that happen to me. Things I didn't think to write about. The Fat Cyclist wrote the other day about things that fly. And he did a much better job than I would have. Heh, he's a professional!
But he didn't mention anything about puking. When anything zooms into my mouth, my gag relflex kicks in and I puke! Kind of a dry puke. It's truly amazing! Kkkaaaehhh, Kkkaaaeeehhhhh!!
Another thing he doesn't talk about is wearing ones bike shorts twice. Like on consective (or not) days. Does anyone else do this but me? How disgusting is it?
I figure, if I commute one hour (that's rounding UP!) one day, then another hour another day, that's the same as a two hour ride. So I wear them two days, and throw them in the wash (warsh). Here's a picture of a pair after day one:

Now, truly I wouldn't wear them for THREE days, that WOULD be disgusting!
Eh, you make not want to enlarge that particular image...

Better than money, something I can use! These puppies go for $5.00 bucks a piece on eBay!
You may or may not want to pop over to the Bike Thoughts Page on my Bicycle web site to see some thoughts on stuff I've over the yars.
Just after I loaded all these goodies in the pannier a guy in full kit caught me at a red light. He asked if I commuted, I said yes, he said the was great, he wished he could. I demurely said I don't go that far, we wished each other well, and the light turned green. Cool!
I managed to get my ten on the odometer for today. Tomorrow is grocery day, so I get to drive! And a clean vehicle at that, as M. and I gave it its first bath last Saturday!
The blogs I read seem to always be "stealing" things that happen to me. Things I didn't think to write about. The Fat Cyclist wrote the other day about things that fly. And he did a much better job than I would have. Heh, he's a professional!
But he didn't mention anything about puking. When anything zooms into my mouth, my gag relflex kicks in and I puke! Kind of a dry puke. It's truly amazing! Kkkaaaehhh, Kkkaaaeeehhhhh!!
Another thing he doesn't talk about is wearing ones bike shorts twice. Like on consective (or not) days. Does anyone else do this but me? How disgusting is it?
I figure, if I commute one hour (that's rounding UP!) one day, then another hour another day, that's the same as a two hour ride. So I wear them two days, and throw them in the wash (warsh). Here's a picture of a pair after day one:

Now, truly I wouldn't wear them for THREE days, that WOULD be disgusting!
Eh, you make not want to enlarge that particular image...
Sunday, October 01, 2006
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"Eddy Merkx"
"Fat Cyclist" jersey "Twin Six"
"Harbison Canyon"
"Junk food" "pink jersey"
"San Diego fire"
"Seikima II" "found stuff"
"Stella Artois" beer
"bike to work day"
"cactus flower" "guy showing"
"cell phone"
"chain lube"
"donut star" "cop car" sunflower "invisible aeroplane"
"energy bars"
"flat tire" "bicycle lights"
"flat tire" tubes
"fuel shutoff switch"
"giant veins" blink
"greek streets"
"inertia switch"
"mop refill"
"road rash"
"rubber ducky"
"safety check"
"thin blood" patches
"tire repair"
"torrey pines" cans flat
"wax flowers"
;lint shoes
Bike To Work Day
Bobke John Coleman Steve
Easter crane frame
Gmaps Bikely
Mercedes Unimog
Moon "giant clevis" "lunette ring" truck Smart "electrical safety"
Peeps pump
Presta tubes
San Diego Velodrome paradigm shift beer
Schwinn "Ye Olde Bicycle Shoppe" "bird poop":
Schwinn headset
Trek Terry Velodrome Dick Blick Aaron Brothers Michael's
aerial antenna
bagel dial calipers chain wear hairy legs
bicycle bicycling books reading
bicycle bicycling recycling grease
bicycle chain
bicycle helmet
bicycle safety
bicycle signs laws
bike lanes
bikepr0n Magna "Black Wind" bicycle nipple fart
blimp Bentley
can rocks
cans sprouts
cookies "flat tire" "bike path"
cow "journalistic integrity" hemroids
dog fog headset
email "knockout seals" "monster cruiser"
fish tire
flowers "manhole cover"
funny signs shoe hill cell phones
gloves pedals crane
keys "bike lanes"
keys rocks shells
lube Landis
mileage "bike log"
milestone odometer
motorcyclist Citroen
otay river valley
pizza starbucks coffee lake murray helmet mirror
poop kite
rack yingers
rocks books signs
rocks upsidedown
shay jeep caramate UCSD
snot "found money" "italian handkerchief"
spider "Hawaian shirt"
sunglasses "Grand Canyon" Cairo Egypt sweating pig clouds
tire Thermopylae "Cutty Sark"
tire pressure jamis