Next I went to Performance to use some points to get some Triflow. Of course the cash register data links were down, so I took pity on the guy and paid cash. While I was waiting a guy came in with a wheel in hand. He had a confused look, and told a long story about how he had gone riding and the tire "just went flat". He asked the mechanic what would cause that. Of course the mechanic said many things could have. I'm thinking, if you don't carry tools and a pump, don't ride father than you're willing to walk. I kept my mouth shut.
I've been looking for some small worm-drive hose clamps, I've been to Kragen, Auto Zone, Pep Boys, and World Wide. I drove out to FiberTech in Santee and FINALLY found some. Now I can finish the hose adapter for those wheels on the AV cart at work.
I got up a little late this Sunday morning, about 7 or so. I ate the rice'n wheat flakes, then I greased up with sun block and hit the road.
Two miles down (up?) the Parkway I realized, crud, no pump!

I decided not to head back and get it as that would require a MAJOR attitude adjustment. I just could not get my head around going back. So I decided to just bike around the neighborhood, not going farther than I would care to walk. Which is about 3 miles, for the record!
In my wanderings I FINALLY figured out the shortcut from Katherine St. to sneak over towards Grossmont Center. I've seen in on printed maps and Google Maps, plain as day, but it eluded me when I've been in the area. Well, here is it --
(Remember you can click the image and wander around Flickr to see a larger one)

The purpley shows the route I took, and shows how the shortcut can help one avoid the dangerous intersection at Navajo and the freeway if one is going to Grossmont College.
And here is the "bird's eye view" from Live Local showing the gates that block the road to vehiclular traffic.

The white lines show the locked gates, the red line shows the pedestrian/bike passageway.
So that was very cool, finally figuring that out!
So, I made my way over to the Grossmont College Bike Path (Does it have another name?) . Took this picture of the bike path and the notorius water tank.

A San Diego Reader article about the tank -- Public Art's Hurly-Burly, By Ken Kuhlken
I continued to noodle around San Carlos, and eventually headed home. I put 15.81 miles on the bike-o-meter today, and that is my total mileage for the entire week!
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