It was cool and sort of foggy this Sunday morning, nearly all the way through El Cajon.
The view from near Grossmont High School of Mt. Helix was stunning.

(click on the image to, blah blah This one IS better in the large view, though!)
On Dehesa near the school a guy passed me. I decided to crank it up to 18 mph and managed to stay in touch with him (if by "in touch" one means a hundred yards...)
I took the jacket off at the base of the main climb on Dehesa, but I was already rather sweaty so I fear a lot of the sunscreen is protecting the inside of the jacket.
I got passed by a group of guys, followed by several straglers. One said "Hi", I said "How's it going", he said "Terrible", I said "You're doing better than me", he said It's all relative", I said "If I didn't have the granny gear I'd be walking!" And then he was gone.
The guy after him had a nifty rising sun jersey. I should take pictures of all the people that pass me, but maybe the camera can't hold that many pictures!
A little burbling (I looked up the spelling!) creek near the top of climb.

I turned up Tavern, wanted to take a picture of the Rebel flag, but no wind. Maybe next time!
I did see the Bicycle Repair sign near Joan MacQueen Middle School.

The middle school has an array of solar cells across the street, coolness! With a webpage showing the generating statistics!
I rode UP the Alpine Blvd. hill, all the way, then came back down. I tried to find the Alpine Dinosaur, stopping several times. I REALLY wanted a picture, but no joy.
Coming down Alpine Blvd. I encountered a headwind that bedeviled me all the way to El Cajon!
A couple of kids on Olde Highway 80 wanted to high five me, but I was going about 25 mph so I declined.
A couple of kids on bicycles yelled out "I like your bike" and "Me too" as I went by. I've heard that before, it's nice but strange.
A couple of TEENS on bikes were riding the wrong way in the bike lane on Greenfield Dr., and one was do a wheelie for quite a distance. I tried to act suitibly impressed as he nearly hit me in passing.
Finally I made it home, tired but no wiser.
Did I mention the annoying squeak? No? Well, maybe next time.
Trip Mileage:
43.65 miles in 3 hours 32 minutes.
Weekly Mileage:
James -- 53.57
Schwinn -- 43.64
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