Some kid threw those popping things at me, actually WAITED for me to get close, then threw them. I gave him a piece or two of my mind, which I was quickly losing. He said I should calm down. He was probably correct in that! So, yet ANOTHER street I can never go down again!
The rumour on the street is that Steve L. is going to shave his legs next season and start racing again. We are all waiting with bated breath, and I PROMISE there will be before-n-after pictures!
The bike feels so much lighter without that battery, did I mention that?
LATER: I forgot to put this in earlier --

On El Cajon Blvd. I was tootling along this afternoon, see the GREEN line. On the RED spot a pedestrian was standing, she was waving to the #1 CAR to proceed on their left turn. She couldn't see me, she had her back towards. So I though it was funny to vigorously wave the car BACK, with an expression of great concern on my face. The guy in the #1 CAR gave me a big grin and a wave. Sweet!
I see on the blogs I'm reading that a number of bicyclist are having run ins (is that one word or two, it looks wrong both ways) of various sorts with motorists. It's rather depressing.
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