At said turnoff a guy and his girl were stranded, out of gas. He asked me to stop in at the Casino up the road a piece and ask the Tribal Police to come give him some gas. I was dubious, but I said I would do it. Well, I got to the top of the hill and found I had to go all the way DOWN again to get to the casino and said tribal police. When I finally found one he wasn't particularly interested. He was MUCH MORE interested in me turning around and leaving his little guard shack! I finally conveyed my message, he said you have done your duty, or something like that, so I humped it back up the hill. Two guys on motocycle and full leathers were parked in the turn lane, talking. I should have taken a picture.
I headed up Dehesa Road hill. I passed two bicyclists who were taking off their jackets (which I should have done!) in preparation for the hill, and waiting for their group, I think. I yelled out, "Thanks for waiting for me guys, but it wasn't necessary!". They laughed and laughed.
I headed up the hill. Eventually a group of mostly women passed me, then a large group of mostly guys passed me.
When I got to the top I took this picture.

(Remember you can click on the image, blah blah blah)
I took this one looking up Tavern Road, just after a pack of bicyclists passed.

Saw an American flag and a Rebel flag on the same pole, on Tavern Road. Should have taken a picture of THAT!
Couldn't find any easy water in Alpine, the drinking fountain at the park on Alpine Blvd. is broken.
Headed DOWN the hill, then UP the hill. Stopped halfway to do --

(Did I mention you can click on the image?)
then I turned around and shot --

It was fairly pleasant heading back to El Cajon, even though it was getting sunny. It wasn't TOO sunny, and it wasn't TOO warm. Got some water at Albert Van Zanten park. Couldn't find a potty, and you may know, when I need a potty, I need it RIGHT NOW.

But it turned out it wasn't one of those times, thank goodness!
I made it home safe and sound!
Trip Mileage:
42.16 miles (67.88 km) in 3 hours, 29 minutes, for an average of 12.1 mph (19.49 kph)
I wanted to share the lame "repair" I made to the lighting system connector I've been complaining about --

The green wire is jammed in there. Does the job, though!
After the ride I warshed the clothes, and checked on the tomato. Looks like something ate at it!

Weekly Mileage:
Schwinn -- 42.16
Jamis -- 55.86
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