To sum up the whole ride, nothing untoward happened.
No flats, no bike rage, no panic attacks. Passed a couple of teens on BMX bikes on the Father J. Serra Dog Walking Path. They were bundled up all grunge-like, while I was all Tour de Commute-like, which they found somewhat amusing.
And, it warmed up after a bit. I changed into my regular retro bike gloves about half way of the Jackson Drive hill, which I climbed in not-granny, thank you very much!
Back over on Fletcher Parkway, I mentioned I thought they would cut the trees down, and they have, which I also mentioned, and here's a pic:"

If Zooomr gets themselves fully up on their new server, you might be able to compare this pic with the "before" pic in the Keyed post.
I also mentioned the other day something about the "ants" on Cowles Mountain. Well, pretend I posted this pic there.

So I got around 25 miles on this Dam Ride, and 30-some miles commuting, so this week is doing ok, so far. One more day!
Oh, I found another cell phone this week, I not sure if I can get it working or not.

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