It was not TOO chilly by nine, so I didn't wear the saggy arm warmers nor the saggy leg warmers, nor even the helmet liner. And since I couldn't find any of my two Headsweats, I didn't wear those, either (BIRTHDAY GIFT NOTE: I could use some more Headsweats!).
You'll remember me ranting about the closing of the bike lanes on Fletcher Parkway in La Mesa for some construction. They are STILL closed, and now the next block is closed, too.

Are bicyclist supposed to be pedestrians now, and ride on the, in this case, un-sidewalk?
This is a 45 mph road. And it is REALLY busy any time except Sunday morning.
Looking back West from the other side of the blockage, I see trees. I have a bad feeling all these beautiful trees are going to be cut down.

Oh, well, what can I do about it?
Up at Fletcher Parkway and Navajo Road I found some keys. One belongs to a Lexus, two are house keys, I suppose.

Maybe I will cruise the mall parking lots pushing the panic button, get me a Lexus!
From the top of the Swallow Drive hill, we see a charming viewing of El Cajon on a Sunday morning.

Keeping a sharp eye out for thorns, I went along the Forester Creek bike path. the un-creek side of path was a plant that made cement stuff. It's being demolished. This is all that is left. There were trucks spraying water to keep the dust down.

And just to get it out of my system, here's the trash net across Forester Creek. Looks like it's doing its job.

Ride Summary: No flats, no car problems. Distance traveled -- 24 miles.
Week Summary:
69.25 miles traveled in 6 hours, 13 minutes, for an average of 11.11 mph with a top speed of 27.54 mph. Odometer reading at end of week: 4,357
I love the shot on top of Swallow hill. I hope that is fog and not smog.
You took some really cool pics!
Wow that's a cool picture of el cajon valley
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