Pretty much did the exact same ride as yesterday, with the same results.
It was kinds foggy in parts of the Santee/El Cajohn valley. The demolition of the cement plant next to the bike path is nearly complete.

Over at the Fr. J. Serra Multi-use Dogwalking & Bike Trail it nice to be able to actually SEE the river since they cleaned out a lot of the obscuring foliage.
Establishing shot:

Zoomed in!

Let us see if we can make a link here... seems to work, goes to larger version.
The trick seems to be to find something interesting each time I travel the same old route...Oh, did I mentioned the cans? There were LOTS of cans out there, I truly need to make a can run with Jamis!
Week Stats
Schwinn: 50.26 miles
Jamis: 34.29 miles
Week Total: 84.54 miles
Schwinn: 6,872 miles YTD 76 miles (YStart 6,796)
Jamis: 4,522 miles YTD 309 miles (YStart 4,213)
Total YTD 385 miles
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