Here's a pic of a Nikon SLR at work.
Here is a more normal pic of the same Nikon SLR.
Here's a little tester I whipped up for testing the three hundred plus laptop power supplies the kids returned. Two twelve volt lamps in series.
I was driving the other day and observed a guy on a bicycle (wearing headphones) who ran his RED LIGHT and WEAVED his way through the TWO lanes of cars turning left in front of him on their GREEN ARROW.
Yesterday I came upon a fellow did some odd things. First, he straddled the lane-line so it was hard to figure which lane he was in. Then, at the stop light, he eased his way to the front of the queue. Just like those silly motorcyclists do. That gave him about a foot of clearance between the cars on his right and left, who were both going straight. Then, after crossing the small intersection, then the big intersection (see image), he pulled over to the curb and WALKED HIS BIKE up the hill. I laughed so hard!
I would have, shown in green, taken the lane and gone straight (probably illegal) at Fletcher Parkway.
Well, I put very nearly ten miles on the bike today. It was extremely sunny in the afternoon, which I don't care for, but it was cooler than yesterday, so I didn't miss the air conditioning in the vehicle.
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