Have not had any light problems since I ty-rapped the plug-in-question, so that must be the problem. A fairly easy fix.
[RANT] Saw a bicyclist in full kit run the left turn light at Baltimore & Lake Murray on Thursday morning around 6:30, about ten minutes before sunrise. He didn't even slow down, and a minivan had to serve a bit to avoid him! What a weenie! And, his blinkie was obscured by somethings he was carrying on his waist. Not good.
Today a couple of kids (wearing helmets, yay!) crossed against the red (about 6:15) on MY street! I don't blame them, I've done it myself when the rotten light won't change, but they didn't even try. The goofy intersection has only one crosswalk, they crossed on the side opposite from that. Kinda of tricky in the dark, and the field of vision isn't fabulous. They didn't have any kind of lighting. At least I've got the BIG LIGHT and the BIG YELLOW STROBE!
Was roaming around the South Bay area of SanDiego last weekend (in a car!), and saw this amusing pair of signs.

I think I've been reading too many blogs. I'm gonna limit the daily peek to Fat Cyclist and The Bike Riding Donut Guy. And once a week for the rest of them.
I'm going to buy a bell for the Jamis. Steve the L showed me his bell, it's a called an IncrediBell. Very easy to use, adjustable lever (that's LEE-ver), and loud enough.
Loud enough untill I get my AIR HORNS!! hehehehh...
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